Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the temperature difference between the wine cooler and wine storage fridges?

I would like to buy a wine cooler but the price differnece is signficant between the wine cooler and wine storage fridges. Why is the temperature difference so important?|||It's not...

Wine storage can be done safely in temperatures barely above freezing up to about 70 degress farenheit. Remember also that wine matures at a faster rate at higher temperatures. Between 45 - 55 degrees farenheit and humidty between 60%-70% is a superlative range in which to store wine.

A constant wine storage temperature is what you should be striving for. Recurring changes in wine storage temperature can be detrimental to your wine.

Now, a "cooler" is a device for keeping your Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio at a perfect temperature for service. But, ask youself this: just how many bottles of white wine do you need to have at perfect service temperature all the time?

Probably none. Yyour best bet is to chill your room temperature whites in the fridge for between 45 - 90 minutes before serving and drinking.

Glass fronts, shiny chrome, a "name", all can jack up the price of a nice storage unit, but honestly a nice laydown rack in a cool (40-68 degree), dark part of the house is all you need.

Best wishes!

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